Patton Oswalt is awesome.
Honestly, I didn't get what the problem was at first but then realized I was reading them IN CONTEXT as pairs of tweets.
But if you only read the second tweet, then FLAME ON!!!
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Via Huffingon Post (
Honestly, I didn't get what the problem was at first but then realized I was reading them IN CONTEXT as pairs of tweets.
But if you only read the second tweet, then FLAME ON!!!
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
When it comes to doing laundry, I firmly believe in using environment-friendly detergent and I ALSO believe
Patton Oswalt
whites and "darks" should be kept separate. Sorry if that sounds too "tree-huggy" to my conservative followers.
Patton Oswalt
Oh, you think repealing voting laws in the south is justified, you racist asshole? I suppose you ALSO believe that
Patton Oswalt
Hitler was absolutely right about the Jews. And I don't care how many "white power" redneck followers I lose by Tweeting that.
Patton Oswalt
These idiots who deny that clumsy change is real, and a pressing threat are no different from misogynists who claim that
Patton Oswalt
For you simpletons who see everything in "black" and "white": if racism, misogyny, hatred and fear are BLACK, then
Patton Oswalt
My grandchildren had better be WHITE. And I mean PURE WHITE, or we're not going to have a country anymore.#tolerance
Patton Oswalt
And I'm sorry, but I fucking HATE FOX NEWS. Bunch of race-baiting corporate shills. All of their medieval, fact-free clapt
Patton Oswalt
Rap is performed by monkeys in expensive clothes. Sorry if I offended you, white conservatives, but it's the truth.
Via Huffingon Post (
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