What is the price of Intellectual Debt?

This was an internal debate I was having about this:

When we raise children (not factoring the radical body changes from infant through teenage years), it takes years and years of observation and feedback on their actions/reactions to reach "maturity." 

But don't really program AI, we only train them and watch for their reactions.  Reactions which AI can cycle through faster than we can blink our eyes. 

This article "The Price we WILL pay with Intellectual Debt." (link)  captures some of my concerns.

I mean look at what the AI "sees" - Trippy Visualization of what AI "sees"  It seems like looking through a completely incomprehensible looking glass.

Quantum Physics/Mechanics are also not fully understood and yet we use it. (link)  So does that mean there will also be an "reckoning" there as well?
